
The purchasing issue has become ever more intense as purchased volumes have been increasing tremendously. This plays the most important role when efficient and quality-tailored production of premium products is concerned.

We cooperate exclusively with certified suppliers and service providers.

A steady progress on the part of the supplier, based on the performance indicators cockpit, provides for opportunities of arranging and expanding a performance-capable supplier base. As part of the strategic supplier management process, our preferred and key suppliers are—once a year—subjected to a detailed and comprehensive evaluation.

An effective material group management based on observations of international markets and analyses, the development of purchasing strategies at merchandise group level, and identification of effective suppliers count among our core strategic activities.

Within the Corporate Responsibility the Code of Conduct for mdexx suppliers plays an important role. It is an integral part of our contractual negotiations and constitutes a base for partner-like business relationships. The Code of Conduct to be met by mdexx suppliers defines the principles and requirements our suppliers and service providers are expected to fulfill, with respect to their responsibility as to humans and environment. Therefore, we assume the responsibility of contributing to realization of the responsible business conduct.